Eve's Apple


I just got back from my first day at Wondercon!
Here's a post I put on the You'll All Be Sorry (Gail SImone) message board on CBR:
My Wondercon Adventure Day #1:
First... I was really disappointed that Marvel didn't show up to the party. So a big 'ol raspberry to THEM.
Second... The cosplayers were cute but the CUTEST were these two little girls, dressed as Wonder Woman and Batgirl respectively, with their little glasses on and their two gay nerdy dads, both in Green Lantern shirts.
 People I met...
 Erin Grey, who was super fun and friendly and sassy and great to talk with.
 Jill Thompson who is amazingly sweet and enthusiastic and energetic and cute.
And... um... I was too embarassed to go talk to her myself, but Dazz went with me and I just absolutely amazingly fangirled out to Wendy Pini. Just jumping up and down and clapping and squealing like a little girl.
Elfquest WAS my comic reading in High School, and really meant a lot to me then... but I hadn't read it since, and I was astounded by the power my meeting Wendy had on me.
Dazz will tell you more about it. He says it was touching. I think it was probably more embarassing.
But then, we saw Wonder Woman, the animated movie... hated hated HATED HHHHHATED ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!! Oh my fucking GAWD, it was awful.
Wonder Woman was basically Steven Segal with tits. She wasn't the wide-eyes Diana who comes to Man's World. She wasn't the show-a-better-way-Amazon. She wasn't compassionate, nor idealistic, nor any of the things that was a hallmark of the character throughout her history until recent years. She was an angry bitch.
 The closest comic portrayal to what I saw on screen was Frank Miller's version of her in ASB & ROBT. It was fucking appalling, the Amazons are portrayed as foolish and wrong, Etta Candy channeled Cat Grant minus the humanity, Steve Trevor saved Wonder Woman, and she... basically give him a lift back to the U.S. And at the end, we find the betrayer amazon betrayed them why? 'Cause a woman just GOTS to have her man and make babies, thus shaming Hippolyta.
I just hated it through and through... sure, there were a few moments that made me chuckle, but I just intensely disliked the titular character.
And Pluto, of course, was a big effete fag.
 Whhhhhhhich leads to Dazz going to the microphone. He starts asking 'Hey, what's up with portraying Wonder Woman as essentually masculine, and making the bad guy feminine.' Well, Virginia Madsen cut him off, tosses some sass saying 'We're all just human,' to cheers from the audience, and the guy running the panel tells Dazz to shut up and go sit down.
But then, halfway through, Virginia Madsen cuts in and apologizes to Dazz. She says, 'I'm sorry, I do know what you're talking about. I was just channeling my character, I guess, but I get what you're saying, and didn't mean to be so mean. I do get what you were saying.
So, after we go out and Bruce Timm is smoking. Dazz lights up too, and says 'Hey, I'm really sorry about that.' Bruce says 'Oh, no. No, Virginia actually feels terrible.' He says 'Look, you guys have to keep us honest. We know it was there, and we wondered if we were gonna take flack for that, and yeah, I totally get what you were saying, it was there.' That was all just really, really cool to see. So overall, I had a great night, and can't wait to go back tomorrow.
 And by the way... Judd Winick is a sweetheart. Believe it

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