Eve's Apple

He's A Poet And Doesn't Know It

A Day In The Life Of A Transsexual:

A couple of years ago, after a very long flight, while I was smoking and taking oral estrogen at a dose way higher than necessary, I got a Deep Vien Thrombosis, or blood clot. Since then, my endocrinology has particularly concerned my doctors. I had to switch health providers and my new doctor, I've found to be kinda a lose-lose guy. He's putting me on bare minimums, and while I don't like him, I respect him. Things is, no matter how I tell him I feel on the levels I've been on, he hasn't listened.

Thing is... I'm bipolar and otherwise depressive, so my scale for what 'feeling ovay' is generally very low. But if I have reported not feeling good under present levels, he's huffed and said he's not my psychiatrist, and lowered doses anyway.

Well, on the current regimen, my testosterone was way too high. Hey, no wonder I've been irritable so much, right? Anyway, he started the same things.

"Well, I don't wanna lower it if you're not feeling bad."
"I'm feeling bad."
"You're just saying that because you want it to match up to where you should be on paper."
"No, I'm feeling BAD."
"Some transsexuals LIKE more testosterone..."

I lost it.

"Look, I said, "I'm fucking CRANKY AND COMBATIVE ALL THE TIME. What the FUCK do you think is going on there?"

A momentary pause, and then...

"So let me write you a prescription..."


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