Eve's Apple

Dialogue On The Doll

Okay, I KNOW this comes out portraying Candace as being cranky (and she is) but in reality, this is a debate between Me As Who I Am Today and Me As I Was When I Was Six Years Old. Everything Candace says is dead on. And everything she says would have gone right past six year old me. There you have it folks, this strip has me debating myself, in essence!

All in all, I was discouraged from Barbies early. Partly to fill that slack, Wonder Woman, both Lynda Carter's and the Super Friends', came to fill that psychic need. And really, I'm probably better for it. Barbie... shops for shoes! Wonder Woman makes a Hawk a Dove, and wins a war with Love. Clear winner - Wonder Woman.

... unless you really want those new pumps.

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